News: Inamorata
A wonderful review from Historical Novel Society Reviews: "The plot will keep readers wondering and guessing until the very end, when this conundrum of love, death, art, and obsession finally comes to its bittersweet resolution. Recommended."
Love this review from Publishers Weekly: "a thrilling depiction of the world of Venetian artists in the late 19th century, as well as an exploration of the myth of the muse."
Here's one from The Seattle Times
Stephanies Book Reviews says: "Inamorata had me enamored. A beautifully told and unique story that combined historical fiction, the paranormal and romance."
BrookeBlogs also says some wonderful things: "Inamorata by Megan Chance is a fascinating read. It was so many things at once: historical; dark; paranormal; intriguing; mysterious..."
Ryan DeJonghe at The Avid Reader says "More books need to be like this."
Staci Alesi's review is here. "Inamorata is a truly captivating read, one I feel works best if the reader is left to learn its secrets themselves. I wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise and give too much away. Know this, though, Chance’s storytelling is entrancing and Inamorata is the kind of book that’s hard to put down once you’ve begun."
Nicholas Dane is one of Vox Libris' Most Memorable Characters of 2014!
Autographed copies available from Liberty Bay Books